Omega-3s for Eczema Relief
Eczema is often thought of as a skin condition that is caused by external factors, such as irritants or allergens. However, recent research has shown that eczema is often a result of something going on inside the body.
Eczema is often thought of as a skin condition that is caused by external factors, such as irritants or allergens. However, recent research has shown that eczema is often a result of something going on inside the body.
''La dermatite atopique (DA) est une affection cutanée inflammatoire chronique affectant environ 15 à 20% des enfants et 1 à 3% des adultes dans le monde. La DA peut être décrite comme un cuir chevelu sec, des démangeaisons et des squames, une peau irritée et une perte de cheveux chez le..."