Family size surprise
In the fall of 2020, by popular demand, AquaOmega released family-sized options of their omega-3 supplements. The value size increases the number of servings in their best selling products to 60, up from 30. These value options at our SRP represent a 15% savings per bottle to the end consumer. Further, it addressed a very important demand from our main target demographic. Moms had been telling us that they were either going through the product too quickly because the entire family was using it, or they had several bottles of our regular-sized product in the refrigerator, causing clutter.
After careful due diligence and ensuring that our product would still meet our stability and quality after being opened and used for 60 days, we were comfortable releasing the products into the market. What happened next really surprised us.

Within just a few months, our direct-to-consumer orders on the family-sized products nearly matched the volume on our regular-sized items. Clearly demonstrating the demand for these value-sized options. Our retailers are early adopters of these products and have also experienced a similar experience with their in-store sales.
If you are interested in learning more about our family size products, intro deals, and potentially buy one get one in-store specials, please reach out directly to your territory manager or your account rep with M2 or purity life.
The AquaOmega Team