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Improving Muscle Soreness and Function

Improving Muscle Soreness and Function

Improving Muscle Soreness and Function

Now that many of us are returning to the gyms and working out, it is important to take care of our bodies. Working out is so beneficial for physical and mental health, but sometimes hitting the weights too hard after some time off can cause some unwanted side effects.

These can include muscle soreness and fatigue. So, let’s explore a piece of recent evidence on the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids on muscle soreness and muscle function.

box jump test

It’s pretty clear that rugby is an incredibly physically taxing sport and rugby players are extremely hard on their bodies. So, what happens when you add EPA and DHA to rugby player’s protein supplements during their pre-season training?

A study published in late 2018 in the European Journal of Sport Science explored the effects of EPA and DHA on these rugby players. They found a beneficial effect on muscle soreness after only one month of use! Additionally, they found that rugby players who supplemented with EPA and DHA were able to perform better on jump tests. Who doesn’t want to have a more explosive jump?

Lastly, they found a beneficial effect on fatigue. Meaning that those rugby players taking EPA and DHA were able to perform better at their next workout due to lower levels of muscle fatigue.

As the world opens back up, we need to be mindful of the ways we can support our bodies as we return to our typical workout routines. Adding EPA and DHA, such as those found in AquaOmega fish oils, to your supplement regime could help greatly in managing the physical stress that comes along with intense workouts. And according to this research, can improve your performance in your workouts as well!

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